Watch Now, As The Man Of Peace Will Present…

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 @ 15:20


Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 @ 15:20

My dearly beloved daughter, you must continue to carry out My Holy Instructions and let no man stop you in this Mission, although you will continue to be attacked on all sides.

Never doubt My Word, even when you do not understand what My Messages mean.

Everything you are being given for the world to hear has been foretold, My daughter.

It is just that mankind needs to understand what is contained in the Book of John.

All things foretold must come to pass.

Watch now, as the man of peace will present himself to the world.

He will be seen to create peace in the Middle East.

This will be a false peace and is a guise for the lie he presents, in order to hide the real reason for this untruth, which is being perpetrated.

Pray for My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, for he will face a terrible persecution. This time is close now.

Pray, all of you, because your prayers will ease the severity of these times, which can be diluted.

Much is not known, My daughter, about the end times.

Many are fearful and so they should be, but only if their souls are unclean.

For those of you in the Light of God, you have much to look forward to, because it will mean the banishment of sin from the Earth.

At last the world will emerge in a new beginning filled with My Divine Light.

There is not much time before these things take place.

All that matters is that all of God’s children will see the Truth in time and convert.

Otherwise they will not be part of the New Heaven and the New Earth, which will merge to become one.

For then I will come to Judge.

So only those who acknowledge Me, their Saviour, Jesus Christ, and My Eternal Father, will have life.

Pray for all your souls. This is all you need to focus on right now and trust in Me completely.

Your Jesus
Jul 5, 2017
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