There Will Be No Death, No Illness No Sin In The…
Friday, February 24th, 2012 @ 15:30
Friday, February 24th, 2012 @ 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget that, despite My stern warnings to humanity, I hold a very special love in My Heart for all of My children.
It is necessary to purify the Earth now, for were I to return now it would not be fit for Me to walk upon it.
When mankind has been purified only those with love for Me and My Eternal Father will remain.
My chosen generation will be with Me for eternity. This Paradise will offer 1,000 years of peace, love and harmony.
After this period the second resurrection of the dead will take place.
Only then can Eternal Life be offered to all souls, with the Light of God shining through them.
Why do you hesitate, My daughter, don’t you know that these prophesies have been foretold?
Let no man misunderstand. You, children of this generation, will be given the Gift of living in the Paradise, even more beautiful than that prepared for Adam and Eve.
Age will be non-existent, as man will live in peace with families of generations.
So much love and enjoyment will be an everyday occurrence. Finally, you will be accorded true, lasting peace in your souls.
Why would this not be possible? This is the Earth that was planned by My Father, Whose Divine Will will, at last, finally be realised on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Rejoice all of you. The New Paradise is to be welcomed with excitement and anticipation.
There will be no death, no illness, no sin. You will be given the Gift of eternal happiness.
Pray for those who, through sin and disobedience, will forfeit any claim to their rightful inheritance, which was planned by My Eternal Father since the beginning of time.
Your beloved Jesus
- Published:
- Jul 5, 2017
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