Even The Warning Will Not Convert All…

Sunday, March 25th, 2012 @ 15:30


Sunday, March 25th, 2012 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, today I urge all of My followers to devote their time to pray for those who do not believe in Me, Jesus Christ or Eternal Salvation.

These souls are close to My Heart and are the ones who need to be converted, so that they can be saved first.

Those who are blind cannot see that their life does not end on Earth.

Many do not accept that they will exist for eternity.

These souls wound Me deeply and I feel terror as I watch them destroy the life in their souls, in this life on Earth.

Even The Warning will not convert many of them who proclaim to be atheists.

Their only salvation is through the prayers and suffering of victim souls.

I urge you to pray for these souls through this Crusade Prayer (41) For the Souls of Non-Believers

“O my Jesus, help Your poor children, who are blind to Your promise of salvation.

I beseech You, with the help of my prayers and suffering, to open the eyes of non-believers, so that they can see Your Tender Love and run into Your Sacred Arms for protection.

Help them to see the Truth and seek forgiveness for all their sins, so that they can be saved and be the first to enter the gates of the New Paradise,

I pray for these poor souls, including men, women and children and urge You to absolve them for their sins. Amen.”

Go now, My precious Army, and focus on My poor, lost children. Help Me, your Jesus, to save their souls.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ
Jul 5, 2017
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