Heaven And Earth Will Become One. One Won’t…

Sunday, April 8th, 2012 @ 15:30


Sunday, April 8th, 2012 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for My Reign on Earth is drawing closer and there is only so much time for humanity to grasp My Mercy and repent.

It is also important that My Church prepare its flock for Eternal Life and use every opportunity to encourage reconciliation.

This is an important time of the year and you must turn to Me, your Jesus, and pray for the Graces to ensure that you, My followers, have the strength of conviction to spread the Truth of My Second Coming.

The suffering of humanity and that of My Eternal Father and Me, His beloved Son, is coming finally to an end.

Satan’s reign on Earth will cease and I will take over My Rightful Throne.

While My Reign, within My Church, has meant that My Spirit has been present with great Graces, offered to deserving souls, it will not be until Satan is bound that My Father’s Will can finally be fulfilled.

No man truly understands what Eternal Life is.

No man understands fully what will happen at My Second Coming.

No man, because of the limitations of human understanding, can know of My plans for the gathering of My twelve nations on Earth.

So many believe that My Second Coming is the end of the world.

It may be the end of times as you know it, but it is only the beginning of the glorious future planned by My Eternal Father for all His children.

Heaven and Earth will become one.

One won’t exist without the other. The righteous will live in My New Paradise and there will be great abundance in all things.

So much wonder can never be described in human terms. Great peace and joy will be felt by every soul who inherits the right to be part of My Kingdom.

My Heart breaks when I see fear in your eyes, children, when I refer to the end times.

Instead, I ask you to trust in My Great Love for you all, and know that My Promise is that you will be truly at home with Me and your sorrows will be banished for eternity.

The New Paradise I promise is to be revealed to humanity very soon.

Do not waste one single moment in fear. Rejoice. Look forward to your future.

Trust in Me completely, for I love you too much to ever let you down.

Pray that all of My children will be humble in heart to accept the Keys to Paradise.

Your Jesus
Jul 5, 2017
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