God The Father: Call To Catholic Church To…

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 16:42


Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 16:42

I Am God the Almighty Father, Creator of all things, God the Most High.

My daughter, it is important that those who follow the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church accept the millennium, as promised to all of My children.

The Words contained in My Holy Book, the Holy Bible, do not lie.

My Promise is contained in the Acts of the Apostles.

John the Evangelist was also told about the Glorious Return of My beloved Son, when He will reign in the new Era of Peace for 1,000 years.

Why do those who profess to understand My Holy Word refuse to accept part of it, but not the other?

To those sacred servants of mine, I say to you now to open the Book of Truth.

You have a duty to proclaim the Truth.

You must not listen to those, within your ranks, who twist the Truth in relation to the New Era of Peace on Earth.

What motivates your brothers, within My Roman Catholic Church, who deny the Truth?

You have confused My children.

Because of their loyalty to the One True Church, The Roman Catholic Church, you are denying them the chance to prepare their souls for My Son’s Reign in the New Paradise on Earth.

Your duty is to inform My children of the Truth.

To My children, you must never deny the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, which contains the True Word.

You, My children, must accept the Promise made by My Son, after His Glorious Resurrection from the dead.

He said that He would come again.

This time, for the Second Coming of My Beloved Son on Earth, is drawing close.

If you believe in the Promises made by My Son, then you will know that He means what He said.

When He comes again, He comes to Rule and take up His Rightful Throne in the New Paradise I have created for you all on Earth.

Never doubt the Words from the Divine Lips of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Know that I, your Beloved Father, want you all to join as one family with My Son in Paradise.

Accept the Truth. Do not twist it or adjust it to suit your flawed interpretation of the Truth.

I Am the Truth.

You cannot change Me or Who I Am.

The Truth will set you free.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High
Jul 5, 2017
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