Young Souls Are Dear To Me And I Weep With The…
Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 @ 16:00
Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 @ 16:00
My dearly beloved daughter your mission must embrace all of God’s children. I especially yearn for the souls of the young and those who allow human intelligence to block their ears to the Truth of My Being.
Young souls are dear to Me and I weep with the way in which many of them were never taught the Truth. They were led by their parents, many of whom do not believe in God, into an abyss of darkness.
The light they seek is that brought to them by the false light of all that glitters. They are seduced by music, clothes and entertainment all designed to stimulate the senses.
They do not know Me. Many never heard of Me or what hope I represent in their quest for future happiness.
Lucifer, the fallen angel in My Father’s higher Seraphim Hierarchy was a talented musician.
As Satan in the world today, he tempts My young tender souls through music.
Music is his weapon of destruction and he uses every type to draw little innocent souls into his web of deceit.
Music is a great Gift from God. It is also used to mask the wicked allegiance to the evil one through lyrics which honour the beast. Very few young souls understand the power of music or when it is used in the wrong way.
Please, I urge you to help me save their little souls.
Bring them to Me. Never force them. Instead consecrate young children to Me through this prayer.
Crusade Prayer (67) Keep my children safe from the King of Lies
Please dear Jesus I ask you to keep my children safe from the King of Lies. I consecrate these children (name them) to your Sacred Heart and ask that through the cloak of your Precious Blood you will enlighten their souls and take them safely into your loving arms so that they can be protected from all harm. I ask that you open their hearts and flood their souls with your Holy Spirit during the Illumination of Conscience so that they are cleansed of every iniquity.
Prayer for atheists during The Warning
To those of you who say you are atheists hear now My promise. I love you and I will never give up My fight to save you from the clutches of the deceiver, Satan, who blinds you to the Truth.
When the time comes, and when you will see your sins before your eyes during The Warning please say these words
Jesus show me the Truth and save me from evil. I am truly sorry for my sins and I ask you to take me now and show Me the light of your mercy. Amen.
You will never be confused again if you say this prayer. A weight will be lifted from your heart and you will be truly at peace.
Remember these words when the day arrives.
I will not forsake you. I will hold you and will you feel My love surge through your body and then you will be given the proof you have been longing for.
Your Jesus
- Published:
- Jul 7, 2017
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