When You Spread Hatred About Prophets Sent From…

Sunday, June 24th, 2012 @ 17:30


Sunday, June 24th, 2012 @ 17:30

My dearly beloved daughter how My heart breaks when I see those who say they are followers of God but who flaunt His Laws. They are hypocrites.

It is they who say they follow My Father’s Commandments yet feel they can condemn others who sin.

First to take Sacred Scripture as a means to proclaim a lie, by promoting so called tolerance, they offend Me greatly.

These are the people who say that it is wrong to believe in Divine Providence.

These are the people who question the seers sent by Heaven throughout the centuries and then try to disprove them by the use of My Holy Word laid down in Sacred Scripture.

Any man who denies My Word is disloyal to me.

Any man who sets himself apart from his brothers and sisters, as spiritually and intellectually superior, needs to be very careful.

Any man who uses Sacred Scripture to present a twisted version of the Truth will be punished.

Any man who stands up and proclaims the Truth, yet dismisses My Word given to the world in these, the end times, will be cast aside by Me.

You are guilty of spiritual jealousy and for this you will face punishment.

When you spread hatred about the prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences.

Because by doing so, you not only proclaim a lie, you obstruct the Word of God.

I ask that you stop your campaign of torment and calumny now. You will never prevent My Word from being heard.

Why do you keep trying to torment this Mission? Don’t you know by now that the fire of The Holy Spirit could not have spread in the way that it has were My Messages not from Heaven?

You are being used by the evil one who will stop at nothing to prevent these, My Holy Messages, from being given to the world.

Message for the Clergy:

For those among you who have pledged a vow, as a sacred servant of My Church on Earth, hear Me now.

When you publicly denounce My Messages and prevent Me, your Jesus, in this Mission for saving souls, you commit the greatest sin of all.

You will suffer for this and your Purgatory will be experienced on earth. Every man, woman and child will witness your offence against Heaven.

Your flawed assessment of My prophets will render you spiritually empty and your soul will suffer a torment like no other.

If you are a sacred servant of Mine and you are unsure of My Voice as I speak to you now then you must remain silent. You must pray for discernment before you consider rejecting My Holy Word.

Thousands of My sacred servants will fail to recognise My Word, sent through this prophet for the end times. How this breaks My Heart.

Many will fall under the reign of the antichrist and desert My Church on Earth.

Many of My sacred servants will side with the persecutors of My Church. The seduction has already begun.

You are being prepared by the deceiver to reject Me and your pride prevents you from seeing this.

Many of My sacred servants will not be courageous enough to uphold My Church on earth. Many will side with the False Prophet and reject My flock whose faith will enable them to seek the Truth.

Don’t you know that I am the Church?

Don’t you know that the Church will suffer its own crucifixion just as I did?

It will be tormented. It will seem to have been crucified and many will think it will be dead. But, like My Resurrection it will be raised to life again for you see it cannot be destroyed.

I warn all of My sacred servants who do not recognise the times that you are living in to be alert now as My Church on earth suffers the greatest persecution since the beginning.

You must prepare and open your eyes.

When did you think I would come and warn you? Did you think that it would be some time way into the future? That it would never happen in your lifetime?

The time for My Second Coming is very close.

I will soon divide the good from the wicked after every attempt has been made to convert most of humanity.

It is your duty and responsibility to keep an open mind, heart and soul.

I need you to respond to My pleas to help Me save as many souls as I can.

Follow Me. This is your calling.

This is why you pledged allegiance to Me, your Jesus.

You did not make your vows on your own terms.

You must allow me to guide you and help defend My Church on earth.

Much damage has been inflicted on My Church. My Church consists of all those who love me including all of my sacred servants.

You must be strong, brave and loyal. You must not allow fear or the beast to devour your soul.

Listen to My Word before you condemn my prophets.

Never denounce any of my messages without praying for discernment. Even then you must be careful that you do not deny God’s children the gift of the graces I now bestow on those poor souls who are starved of the Truth of My Teachings.

To those who openly reject My Word, given to this prophet, know that you will beg me for forgiveness when the Truth is revealed.

By then, for those who are responsible for turning souls away from My Word, it will be too late.

Those souls lost to me, because of your wicked tongue, will have no eternal life.

Reject My Word now, or denounce my message for having errors and you will be cast aside. You are not fit to lead my flock.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ
Jul 7, 2017
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