New Paradise: You Will Be Made Of A Pure Body…
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 @ 20:00
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 @ 20:00
My dearly beloved daughter the New Paradise has now been completed in its full glory ready for all of God’s children on earth.
It will be presented, in all its glory, just like the Paradise created by My Eternal Father for His children in the beginning.
How the angels sing and rejoice for the time to unveil this great splendour to a disbelieving world is very close.
It will be presented by Me when the New Jerusalem descends upon the earth at the ringing of My Second Coming.
You, My daughter, will be told to announce this just before I make myself known.
Only those who accept Me as the Messiah will be able to enter its magnificent gates.
Every call from Heaven will be made to reach out to all those who will still reject My great gift right up to the very last trumpet.
Then it will be too late for those poor souls. They will be beyond help after that as My Mercy will have been thrown back in My Face in outright rejection.
All that matters now is to warn all those who are in danger of losing their souls to Satan.
Gather them up My followers. Coax them gently into My flock. Never give up your prayers to salvage them.
Oh My beloved followers if you could see the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will merge as one you would drop down on your knees and weep with joy and relief.
For those of you frightened about the end times, when the earth as you know it will change, then you must allow Me to ease your worries.
You will take your family with you and all with rejoice in pure utter love and harmony.
You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.
You all will have your own dwelling with grass, trees, mountains, rivers, streams and flowers surrounding you in all their glorious beauty.
Animals will be tame and live in peace and in harmony with all of God’s children.
You see your children marry, have children and the miracle of families, risen from the dead, will be witnessed by all.
This resurrection will be like no other joy imaginable.
You will be reunited with your loves ones who passed away in this life and went to Heaven.
You will have nations, twelve in total, all signified by the twelve stars in the crown on my My Mother’s Immaculate head, all of which will be governed by Me with My Apostles and Prophets.
This is My Kingdom, promised by My Father since He created Paradise on Earth. Anyone who rejects it will perish.
Pray that all of God’s children will have the purity of soul to enable them to come home to My Father’s Kingdom on Earth, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, for ever and ever.
Your Jesus
- Published:
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