It Is Not Enough To Believe In The Father For…
Saturday, July 14th, 2012 @ 15:15
Saturday, July 14th, 2012 @ 15:15
My dearly beloved daughter so many religions in the world follow the wrong path thereby making it difficult for God’s children to obtain eternal life.
Eternal life was only made possible by My Death on the Cross.
My Father who sent Me, His only Son, as the sacrificial Lamb, made it possible for the whole of humanity to obtain salvation and eternal life.
Eternal life was given as a gift to Adam and Eve. Then, because of the stain of sin and disobedience, it was taken away.
In its place man became mortal, his body impure, his life in the physical form imperfect and the earth became a poor imitation of the rich and splendid earth created for Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.
God, My Eternal Father, then granted salvation to those who accepted Me, His only begotten Son, as the way to His New Paradise.
Only through Me can you be accepted by My Father.
It is not enough to believe in the Father for those who reject His Son reject salvation.
Remember that so many of God’s children who, through ignorance, do not acknowledge Me, the Saviour of Mankind. But because of My Great Mercy, the Truth will be revealed to them by divine intervention.
They are all equal in My Father’s eyes and He wants to unite all such souls into His bosom. He loves them all.
When they see the proof they will accept that God, the Most High, gave them the gift of eternal life through My Sacrifice on the Cross. In this way all will adore the one God.
For there is only one God who created each of you.
Now go, My daughter, and help ensure that My messages are given to every creed, every nation and every one of God’s children.
I include those Pagans and those with hearts of stone.
It does not matter if they spit at you, or refuse to listen, you must give them the messages.
Any man, or follower of Me, Jesus Christ, who cannot accept that I wish to communicate the Holy Word of God to all religions is not a true Christian.
So many have rejected these, My messages to the world, because I embrace all of humanity and every other religion including that of Atheists.
You have no right to assume that only you, the true Christians, are loved by God My Eternal Father.
You are blessed and loved but without the conversion of the whole of humanity My Father will not achieve the victory He wants to unite all of His children.
You, My followers, have a great responsibility because of the Gift of the Truth given to you.
It is your duty to spread My Holy Word in order to bring those poor souls who are ignorant of My existence into the Kingdom of God.
Your Jesus
- Published:
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