Weather Will Begin To Show Strange Signs

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 @ 19:40


Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 @ 19:40

My dearly beloved daughter, the weather will begin to show strange signs as the Earth moves to a new state in preparation for My Act of Divine Mercy as I come to save you all once more.

Hatred is intensifying in every nation. Discontent is felt everywhere. Love of one another is weak, while love of self becomes not only tolerated but is deemed essential in order to be accepted in today’s world.

I will wipe out hatred. I will stamp on man’s plans to inflict terror on his brother. I will wipe out the arrogance in your souls. All sin will be revealed to you, as it appears in its raw ugliness in My Eyes.

Why must so many kind-hearted souls turn their backs today on My Teachings of old? Why now? What it is about love of God the Father that becomes shameful in their eyes? I will tell you. It is because so many of My children have been sidetracked by the pleasures of the world. Although many of the material goods they seek out are now beyond their grasp they still reject Me. The souls of mankind have been clouded with a darkness so thick that it will take time for My Light to shine through and penetrate their souls.

How I cry Tears of bitter sadness for these lost souls who are desperate for the peace of salvation they crave. They just don’t realize that only I can bring this peace into their weary hearts.

Oh how My Love has been long forgotten. I Am but a fragment in their minds of no real consequence. They want peace of mind and heart, but they will not ask Me for this. It is only when they ask that I can respond. Don’t they know this?

For those of you who do love Me, but who hate or resent your brother, you too need My help. I do not want your loyalty if you don’t treat others with kindness. When you hurt your brothers and sisters, for whatever reason, you hurt Me. No matter how you justify your actions, know this. I feel the pain of those you abuse. When you hurt Me like this, you cannot show Me true love from the heart.

Learn from this. Seek humility in all things before you come before Me to swear allegiance to My Holy Will. In this way you will be pure of soul and fit to enter My Kingdom.

You, My children, are very fortunate because millions of you will become part of My New Paradise. This is because of the times you are living in. So many of you in the world today, children, can now be saved in a way that previous generations could not have been.

Welcome this news and use this opportunity to accept My Divine Mercy with open and contrite hearts, while you can.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jul 5, 2017
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