The Warning Is A Form Of Global Confession

Friday, October 21st, 2011 @ 20:30


Friday, October 21st, 2011 @ 20:30

My dearly beloved daughter, write this. You are now undergoing intense suffering in order to save those souls of darkness who reject Me and My Father.

So closed and hardened are those souls that it will be only be through the prayers of others and the suffering of victim souls that they can be saved, for they will refuse to seek redemption. Their stubbornness will stop them from feeling enough remorse to confess their sins and beg for forgiveness.

The Warning is a form of Global Confession. It will be the time when everyone will be expected to ask for the forgiveness of their sins, or face rejection. So many souls in darkness will refuse My Hand of Mercy. They will turn away from Me. You, My daughter, along with all My devout followers can help save their souls from eternal damnation.

I would never pressurise My children to suffer in My Name. But for those who offer Me, as a gift, their help through suffering, I can redeem much of mankind.

Suffering comes about from the attacks of Satan, when he torments souls who are close to Me and those who are appointed by Me to lead a holy Mission to convert souls. Know that when these attacks come, you are in union with Me. You will then get to know Me so well. You will know how I feel – My Joy, My Sadness, My Grief, My Pain and the terror when I lose a soul to Satan.

Do not worry. Already, millions of souls have already been saved through these Messages.

The prayers of My devoted army are already mitigating global disasters and the departure of My Holy Vicar from the Vatican. Their obedience in reciting My Divine Mercy Chaplet is saving souls right now.

My daughter, make sure that all My children understand that I speak to all religions and denominations through these Messages. I exclude no one, for they are all children of God. There is only one God and that is My Eternal Father, God of the Most High.

Come together with Me, children, and let us work as one to save My souls all over the world, quickly. By prayer alone you can help Me save the world.

Your Jesus
Saviour of all Mankind
Jul 5, 2017
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