Virgin Mary: You Will Come Under Huge Scrutiny…

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 @ 14:22


Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 @ 14:22

My child, this is a time that when your Work for my Son you will come under huge scrutiny and attack. You must always honour my Son’s wishes and obey Him at all times. Never defend His Most Holy Word, for He does not wish you to do this. Do not respond to or engage with those who challenge or misinterpret His Word, which may cause debate and doubts.

You will now come under the attack of the deceiver, but you must pray for my protection and never give in to such taunts. He, the deceiver, works through others to hurt you, should you allow him to do this, you are engaging with him and giving him the power that he wants.

Stand firm in these instances, my child, and turn to me always. I will cover you with my Most Holy Mantle to protect you from him and all will be well.

Remain courageous and accept this as a Gift from God the Most High, for without such strength, you could not do this Work effectively. Always remember you are not alone in this Work, because the saints all intercede on your behalf and you are being given every kind of divine protection.

Continue in your obedience to my Son and try and become joyful as you accept the suffering He allows for the salvation of souls. You must keep saying the Holy Rosary every day and pray with me so souls can be saved.

I bless you, my child. Heaven rejoices with this Most Sacred Work on behalf of my precious beloved Son, Who loves all of mankind, but Who weeps in sorrow for those souls who will reject His Hand of Mercy after The Warning.

Your beloved Mother

Jul 5, 2017
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