My Return To Save You Will Be Felt In Every…

Monday, October 17th, 2011 @ 21:30


Monday, October 17th, 2011 @ 21:30

My dearly beloved daughter, times are changing all around you. The world is in upheaval caused by the spirit of darkness. You are surrounded with all the evidence of what the evil of sin can inflict on mankind. In this spirit of darkness will shine the Spirit of My Divine Presence as I come to save mankind once again.

You, My precious children who know the Truth, must tell the others how fortunate they are to be given this wonderful Divine Gift. My Love will strike the Earth in a manner where you will drop down in humility and on bended knees weep with sorrow for the grievance you have caused to offend My Eternal Father.

It is through God The Most High that this great Act of Mercy is now presented to you. Rejoice, for now there is Light in the world, which will draw souls forth and into the Arms of God the Father.

I come again to give you the life you need to enable you once again to raise your eyes in adoration and praise to the Glory of God the Father and thank Him for the Justice He now shows to His precious, but lost children.

I, Jesus Christ, now prepare to allow you to bear witness to the Truth of Mercy for every soul, including hardened sinners and non-believers everywhere.

The proof of My Existence and that of God the Father will be revealed in all its heavenly glory to every man, woman and child.

My Presence will be revealed in a way that no one will nor can ignore. For the Heavens will open, the stars will collide so that My return to save you will be felt in every corner of the world at the same time.

Oh how My children will rejoice when they bear witness to My Divine Presence. Even those in darkness will feel My Love touch their cold souls, which will ignite them again.

Prepare. Await My Glorious return. Pray for those who have fear in their hearts. Do not fear Me. Await this Great Event with love and humility in your hearts.

I Love you, children. This great Act of My Mercy will prove this to you.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ, King of Mankind
Jul 5, 2017
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