Warning To Those Elite Global Groups Who…

Sunday, September 16th, 2012 @ 22:50


Sunday, September 16th, 2012 @ 22:50

My dearly beloved daughter this is a warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations.

You, whose god is Satan, know that your souls are blackened with the cloud of evil, which is infested in you by the evil one.

You are in great danger yet you choose to worship the devil who wants to steal your souls and torment you for eternity.

Your plans to dictate, rule, control and mastermind genocide against God’s children will not only be thwarted by the Hand of My Father but this evil will be turned upon you.

You will be severely punished for your wickedness.

The sins you are guilty of are abhorrent to Me and your hatred and contempt for those people, those whom you claim to serve in your governments, will destroy you for eternity.

The brief spell you will enjoy, when you seize the reins of power over nations and introduce a wicked dictatorship regime will bring you an eternal life of Hell.

You will be given many chances to turn your back on the evil group of elite powers. But be careful for you will only be given so much time.

Never underestimate the Power of God. Do not underestimate His Anger. For while a God of great Mercy, He, God, My Eternal Father, is also one to be feared.

His power is almighty. His power over Satan will culminate shortly and He will cast out the Beast and his cohorts into the lakes of fire.

You, too, will be cast into Hell should you continue to destroy God’s Creation, God’s children.

My Father will never forgive you if you step beyond the boundaries of His Great Mercy.

On the day I come to judge you will tremble with the deepest fear unknown to humanity.

On that day you will be accorded the punishment as in the way you treated your brothers and sisters, children of God.

Be warned. For the Anger of God is to be feared.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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