Paganism Will Be Enforced On All Of God’s…

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 @ 21:50


Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 @ 21:50

My dearly beloved daughter, tell the world that they must awaken from their slumber. If they don’t, they will fail to see the wicked plans, I foretold some time ago, unfold.

I speak about global domination, which is being orchestrated to destroy Christianity.

My Church is being decimated, brick by brick. My sacred servants are being pushed beyond their endurance, deliberately.

My Church is also being desecrated by those who practice adoration of the beast.

These false imposters are not Christian. They practice in the occult and infiltrate all organisations, including different churches and different religions. They target, in particular, the Catholic Church.

This is the Church they hate the most. Their lies have meant that Catholics are embarrassed to stand up and defend their Church.

Their lies have made it very difficult, for all Christian Churches, to defend the Holy Sacraments, as dictated by God.

Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches and woe to the man who stands up to defend the Truth of God.

The time has come for the division of humanity. I will come and divide the earth.

Those loyal to My Teachings will be taken into My Bosom. Those who defy God, and blaspheme against the Truth, will be cast away.

The battle has already begun. The evidence is being presented.

There is still time to choose between the lies of this satanic group, who comes dressed as lambs, or the Truth, which you will be told is a lie.

You must be alert at all times. Keep your eyes open. Turn your back when My Name, My Body, My Word. is blasphemed against.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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