Virgin Mary: The Swell Of My Son’s Remnant…

Thursday, October 25th, 2012 @ 07:30


Thursday, October 25th, 2012 @ 07:30

My child, more and more people are being drawn to these Holy Messages for the whole world than ever before.

Many do not understand the real purpose of the Messages. What they must know is that they are a Gift to humanity, in order to bring about conversion.

They are being given to the world to draw souls into the habit of prayer, and, so that they participate in the Holy Sacraments.

Above all, these Messages provide a form of calm and peace of the soul, so that more of God’s children will be made worthy to enter the New Paradise.

Because of the fruits of these Messages, the faith of God’s children will be witnessed.

The swell of My Son’s remnant Church will continue, because of these and other holy Messages, given to genuine visionaries all over the world.

God loves His children so much, that everything will be done to ensure that the salvation of all souls is achieved.

My Son has prepared well and all His plans, to be achieved through these Messages, will be fulfilled.

This is why you must never feel despair.

Hope is all that is important.

Trust in my Son, where you surrender fully before Him, will mean that He can finalise His plans to save every single sinner, through your commitment to Him.

You must pledge your promise, children, to accept His instructions, and His Love will envelope you to make you strong.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation
Jul 9, 2017
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