The False Prophets Are Poised Now And Will…

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 @ 15:30


Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter I must warn you about false prophets who try to interfere with this mission.

So many poor deluded souls, who believe that they are receiving divine messages, are being led astray by the evil one.

He does this by preying on their love for me and targets, especially, holy devout souls.

Any person who tells you that they have a message from Heaven which instructs you to change or amend a message from Me is a liar.

This is not the way in which I authorise communications from Heaven. The only messages I allow to be communicated from one visionary to another is one of support and love, but only when this is necessary.

Messages received by genuine prophets or chosen souls are either true or false.

There is no in between. Heaven would never send a message to contradict another message received by a chosen soul from Heaven.

Beware of false prophets. Those who do not realise that they are false can cause terrible harm when they interfere with My Holy Word. You, My daughter, must not engage with those who say they come in My Name unless I instruct you otherwise.

The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission. You must not engage with them.

Be alert to these dangers for the most dangerous of all will be the man who will come and claim to be Me.

Allow yourselves, My disciples, to be drawn to the false prophets and you will be easy prey to the antichrist and his false prophet.

Trust in My Holy Word. Many of you cannot, still, accept the Truth and you will argue with me but it will be of no use. For the biggest criticism you have of Me, is that I love all of God’s children, especially sinners.

I love all equally. To those of you who accuse Me of favouring sinners know this.

Never try to confuse others by saying that Jesus condones sin. You know this is a lie. I detest the sin but love the sinner.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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