Wrath Of God To Descend On New World Order

Sunday, April 17th, 2011 @ 19:00


Sunday, April 17th, 2011 @ 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter, it is with great sadness that I must tell you that pending ecological catastrophes will result in a huge loss of life in Asia, Europe, Russia and the United States of America. The Wrath of God, My Eternal Father will fall swiftly on this Global Alliance who are plotting underground organizations to inflict death on the rest of the world, for their own gain. They are responsible for creating wealth farms and new technologies, which would dazzle you, were they not so sinister in their aims. These people, from every first world country, are rich, powerful, talented; and control banks, military, world humanitarian organizations, police forces, governments, energy suppliers and the media. None of you can escape their clutches unless I tell you how.

Prayer, especially the recital of the Divine Mercy, will spread conversion, and by saying the Holy Rosary this will dilute the work of these evil parasites whose idol is Satan. The interesting thing is this. Many of these fanatics caught up in this deceitful web, believe they are being simply ambitious with a natural desire for wealth, and do not hold any religious beliefs. What they don’t know is that they are being deceived by Satan and are influenced by him daily, in their thoughts, aspirations, words and deeds. How blind they are.

Everywhere they are clustered, so too will the Wrath of God descend with frightening force. This is already underway. They will be stopped, but it will take a little time. It will not stop them entirely, but it will dilute the horrific impact their deeds would otherwise have. The Blessed Trinity is now active in communicating to chosen souls all over the world. Believers will have noticed this already. Those who don’t believe in God the Father, think that these people are merely doomsday cranks. While many people in the world today can indeed make false claims, please do not ignore them without first hearing what they have to say. Always pray for guidance during these difficult and confusing times. Keep your attention focused on Me, your Divine Saviour, at all times. I will hold your hand and support you through these trials.

Many people, when they witness these prophecies coming to light, will panic and will be terrified in many instances. But there is no need to fear because this period will be short lived. And then will come the New Heaven and Earth where you will all live peaceful, long and blissful lives in union with Me.

The more people turn back and ask God the Father for guidance, the less the impact of the evil reign planned by New World Order will be. Go now in peace. Pray to strengthen your belief in Me.

Your Merciful Saviour and Just Judge Jesus Christ
Jul 4, 2017
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