The Skies Will Open Up During The Warning

Monday, May 23rd, 2011 @ 14:30


Monday, May 23rd, 2011 @ 14:30

My dearly beloved daughter, you are suffering the torment that I endure for the sins of man. This is what it feels like. Now you are glimpsing just a tiny fraction of My suffering, which I face every minute of your day. There is nothing to fear, My daughter, about The Warning.

The Warning will be a dramatic event It will shock many people in the world, as it will be a dramatic event where the skies will open and the Flames of Mercy will shoot up across the world. For many people will not understand what is happening. So shocked will they be, they will mistakenly think that they are witnessing the end of the world. Tell them to rejoice when they witness My Glory, for this, if you are properly prepared for it, will be the most spectacular example of My Mercy since the day of My Crucifixion. This, My children, will be your saving grace and will prevent those, who would otherwise have been condemned, from entering the depths of Hell.

All My children everywhere must warn lost souls as to what to expect. Urge them to seek reconciliation by confessing their sins now. It is important that as many people as possible are in a state of grace beforehand, as they may not survive this event due to shock. Far better to witness this Divine spectacular event first, rather than being unprepared at the final day of Judgment.

Keep strong, all of you. Rejoice if you are a devout follower, for you will be shown a glimpse of My Divine Presence, which your ancestors never saw during their lifetime. Pray for the rest of My children. Tell them the Truth now while you can. Ignore their scorn, for should they take action now by praying for the forgiveness of their sins, they will thank you after this Great Miracle takes place.

Go now in peace. Do not be fearful. Just pray for those souls with no faith, so they do not die in mortal sin.

Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jul 4, 2017
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