The Holy Spirit Has Now Been Poured Out Over The…

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 @ 16:00


Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 @ 16:00

My daughter, tell the world that a significant Act of My Mercy took place today, where the Holy Spirit, one of the greatest Gifts to My children, has been poured out over the entire world. This Gift is essential in helping mankind to prepare for The Warning. Infused with the Power of the Holy Spirit, My sacred servants and followers will be strengthened considerably in their love for Me and My Eternal Father.

This Gift of life will bring new impetus into your jaded, lukewarm souls, which are screaming for enlightenment. This has been foretold, and all, including the most hardened of sinners, will benefit.

My Mercy, as I have said, knows no bounds. Filled now with the spirit of light and holiness, you, all My followers everywhere, must be brave now and proclaim My Word to all you come into contact with. Dismiss the scorn you may experience, for it is too important now to ignore My pleas for conversion.

Hear My prayer now to give you the encouragement you need. “Fill me now O Lord with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to carry your Most Holy Word to sinners who I must help save in Your Name. Help me to cover them, through my prayers, with your Precious Blood, so that they can be drawn to your Sacred Heart. Give me the Gift of the Holy Spirit so that these poor souls can revel in your New Paradise.” Say this prayer every day, after you recite My Divine Mercy, and you, through your allegiance to Me, will help save My children.

Save Me from the torment I suffer in My Heart as I watch with so much sorrow at the way in which My Holy Name is received in the world today. Not content with denying Me, many, many souls react with anger if you, My loyal followers, even dare to mention what I stand for. They are very angry because the deceiver so cleverly twists their minds to turn away from the Truth. Help these souls, all of you. Pray and ask Me now for the strength you will need in this work.

Special graces for those who spread conversion For all of you who spread conversion, special graces will be given to you and a very special place will be reserved for you in My Father’s Kingdom. Go now and allow the Holy Spirit to flood your souls to help Me save mankind.

I love all of you. Each of you holds a place in My Sacred Heart. Not one of you, sinners included, will be excluded from My battle to save souls.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ, King of Mercy

Note: Final comment by Our Lord Jesus Christ to the visionary given at the end of this Message.

My daughter this event is significant. It will save many souls before The Warning takes place and will continue to be present in the world afterwards to help prevent sinners from falling back. It has been predicted, My daughter, and represents great news. But My followers must work hard now to help Me lead the battle for souls.”
Jul 4, 2017
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