This Mission Can Be Likened To The Rescue Of A…

Friday, September 7th, 2012 @ 20:35


Friday, September 7th, 2012 @ 20:35

My dearly beloved daughter you must never feel that you work alone in this Mission even though it feels like this.

You must know that many people the world over are listening to My Holy Word and that My Messages are saving souls.

This Mission can be likened to the rescue of a gigantic ocean liner.

Many souls are being warned of danger and told, in advance, of the rescue plan.

If they listen they will not only save themselves but the lives of their families and friends.

Many will not listen and say: “What danger?” They will not accept the life rafts because they do not believe the ship will sink.

No, they say, this is a false warning, a false alarm. As the time will draw close and the final days become apparent they will scramble everywhere looking for a place of safety.

They will run and hide from the explosion, when the mountains will sink into the seas and when the sky will turn like blood but they will not escape.

Those sinners who commit terrible grievances against My Father and who know how black their souls are will be lost.

They, who sided with the Beast, will at that stage try to escape his clutches. For it will only be then that the Truth will finally dawn on them and the Light will not be their right.

Only the darkness will ease their pain and, yet, it will also bring them relentless terror and suffering.

Never reject the help you need to prepare your souls. You must accept that the wickedness in the world has to be eradicated.

Those sinners, who refuse to change, even after they have been given the Truth of the Word of God, will not survive the final battle.

They will be thrown into the lake of fire with the beast and that will not be the end of their suffering. It will only be the beginning.

To those who sneer at My attempts to prepare your souls you will be given every chance to turn to Me.

Every attempt will be made to save you. If you do not accept My Hand, the life raft you need to keep you afloat, you will drown in sorrow.

Only the prayers of others can save you.

The earth looks like it has done for centuries.

The skies look the same.

The sun shines like it has always done.

The moon looms on a clear night and man still gasps in wonder at the Creation of God.

But changes have already begun and to those who are alert I say this.

You know and you sense the change. Do your duty and use prayer so that the eyes of mankind will be opened to the Truth and that the hearts of all will be opened up to the Love of God.

It will be the Love of God for all His children and the response of His children to His Call that the human race can be saved.

Your Jesus
Jul 8, 2017
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