For The Jews, They Will Finally Accept That The…

Saturday, October 20th, 2012 @ 22:30


Saturday, October 20th, 2012 @ 22:30

My dearly beloved daughter, My Second Coming will be the final chapter in the fulfilment of My Covenant. This Covenant will see the birth of the New Jerusalem.

This New Jerusalem will signify the unification of all God’s children, who accept the Word of the Lord.

For the Jews, they will finally accept that the True Messiah has come to bring them the salvation they crave.

I, Jesus Christ, from the House of David, will come as Saviour, according to the Holy Will of the one True God.

They rejected Me, the Son of God, Who came in the flesh the first time. This time, I will come from the Heavens and will envelope My Chosen People with the gift of My New Kingdom.

They will finally be at peace, for the Truth, will be seen by them, and they will accept the Existence of the Triune God. There is only one God. There can be no more. Yet I Am in union with My Father. I Am God. I came in the flesh to show humanity My Mercy and to salvage them from final damnation. My Holy Spirit is also in union with the one God as It manifests within the souls of the prophets and inflames the souls of God’s children.

So many people will fight fiercely against My Second Coming, including those who believe in the one True God. They will not, as has happened in the past, accept the Word of God, as it is revealed through the prophets.

Many good and devout Christians will continue to reject My Word, right up to the end.

My Word will be challenged and torn apart, by the Catholic Church, in particular. But know this. The time for My Second Coming is close, and those who continue to reject Me, and the promise I made to My Father to Create His Kingdom on earth, will be left to one side.

After My Great Mercy is revealed, and when every opportunity has been given to all those who won’t accept the Truth, then My patience will be exhausted.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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