The Tide Of Change Is To Begin Very Soon

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 @ 12:30


Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 @ 12:30

My dearly beloved daughter, the tide of change is to begin very soon.

So many people in the world will understand, finally, the meaning of their lives and what is important and what is not.

This time ahead must be treated as the period of preparation for the New Paradise on earth. It must not be feared.

For those who know Me I have told you that you must trust in Me completely. For those who do not know Me, the Truth will be revealed to them for the first time.

My disciples must now begin to recite My Crusade Prayers including number (43) to save souls during The Warning, so that the renewal of the earth will be achieved according to My Most Holy Will.

As soon as the Truth is revealed My Holy Messages must be spread everywhere. When this happens, many will be alerted to the deceptions which they will have to face in their countries. They will learn how to recognise the antichrist and they will be able to arm themselves against his torment.

The time for uniting yourselves to My Sacred Heart is now.

When you are in union with Me you will be protected at all times.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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