Crusade Prayer 97

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 @ 19:45


Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 @ 19:45

My children, you must seek out the comfort of each other, as you gather, at every corner of the earth, to form My Son’s Remnant Army.

Many will be lonely, in their quest to form prayer groups, and may feel that it is useless, at times. For each Prayer Group set up, to recite the Crusade Prayers, a special Grace will be given to you by my precious Son.

He is present in every group and He will make you aware of this. You will feel His Love and then you will witness the fruits, as they will pour forth and spread His Most Holy Word.

Children, you are blessed for being given the Gift of humility, because only those of you who accept the Word of my Son, without any doubts, will yield many conversions, because of your Prayer Groups.

The Holy Spirit is now moving, quickly, amongst you, dearest children, and it brings me so much joy to see how much He stirs your souls.

You must remain united, my little children, because my Son needs your love and commitment, so that He can save humanity. You will, however, become a target for the evil one who will raise every demon, under his wing, to infiltrate you and cause division. Recognise these attempts, for what they are and trust, completely, in my Son. Call on me, your beloved Mother, to keep your Crusade Prayer Groups united.

Crusade Prayer (97) To unite Crusade Prayer Groups

O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God’s Remnant Army,throughout the world.

Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Send your angels to cover each one of us, and especially, those priests who lead the Crusade Prayer Groups.

Help us to avoid the distractions, which cause division amongst us, and protect us with your gift of armour, so that we become immune to the attacks, which we will have to endure, because of our love for Jesus Christ, in this Holy Mission to save souls. Amen.

Go in peace, my beloved children, and know that God’s Remnant Army, through the Grace of my Son, will help Him to salvage billions of souls.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation
Jul 27, 2017
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