Crusade Prayer 65

Monday, July 9th, 2012 @ 23:00


Monday, July 9th, 2012 @ 23:00

My dearly beloved daughter I wish to prepare all of My followers now in a way which will not only help them but all their loves one for The Warning.

It is not enough to repent because of fear. A penance is required.

For all of you My followers hear My instructions now to prepare your souls for The Warning.

You must begin by meditating on all the wrong-doing you are guilty of against yourselves and your neighbours.

For Catholics among you, you must receive the Sacrament of Confession every two weeks if you wish to remain in a state of Grace.

In this way your pain, during The Warning, will be mild and you will have the strength to help your brothers and sisters who will suffer a terrible pain and guilt as they try to come to terms with the illumination of their conscience.

For those among you, who are Christians or other creeds, and who believe in these messages, you must recite the prayer given to you through Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution

You must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and I, your Jesus, will grant you pardon.

O My Jesus you are the light of the earth You are the flame that touches all souls Your mercy and love knows no bounds We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth We honour You We Praise You We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls We love you Jesus Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be. AMEN

I now bequeath a special prayer also for you to say for those poor souls who may die of shock during The Warning and who may be in mortal sin.

Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin

Oh Dear Jesus, Saviour of mankind Through Your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during The Warning Forgive them their sins and in memory of your Passion I beg you to grant Me this special favour in atonement for their sins I offer myself to you in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage their souls, and to bring them eternal life. Amen.

My followers The Warning will be a great event of Salvation where I will prove to the world My Divine Mercy.

Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.

The time is short now and you must start preparing.

Do not forget My instructions to have food which lasts ten days, candles which are blessed and holy objects in your home.

Trust in Me and rejoice because many souls will be saved.

I will not reveal a date but you know what must be done.

When your sins are revealed you must ask Me to forgive you and bow in humble thanksgiving for this Divine Gift which is your passport to eternal life in the New Paradise on earth.

Remember there is not one sin, no matter how serious, which cannot be forgiven once true remorse is shown.

Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ
Jul 27, 2017
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