Crusade Prayer 51

Friday, May 4th, 2012 @ 21:05


Friday, May 4th, 2012 @ 21:05

My dearly beloved daughter, when you feel that this Mission is difficult, to convince all of God’s children to acknowledge the Second Coming and that it will be accepted as good news for all of God’s children, just remember this.

Just as every single person is made in the Image of God, My Eternal Father, so too does the Light of My Father shine, in some way, through every soul.

Look into the face of every one you meet and you will see a glimpse of God the Father.

It may be just a look, a smile, a gesture or tenderness, but it is there.

There is good in everyone, even hardened sinners. In some this goodness is wholly enveloping and draws people towards the person blessed with this Gift, like a magnet. In others it is but a glimmer, but present all the same.

When you look into the eyes of someone whose behaviour towards others is cruel you can still see a ray of hope, because of the presence of the Light of God. It is the Light in the souls of God’s children that needs to be rekindled through My Messages of Love and Hope. The stronger the Light, the more purified the person. The more people who are purified by the Light of God, the more purified will be the Earth.

As God’s Light becomes stronger in the souls of believers, then the work of evil will dwindle, because darkness cannot abide the Light.

This is why, yet another outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is being bestowed all over the world now.

This is the second outpouring by the Power of the Holy Spirit, since the 10th of May 2011.

It precedes My Great Divine Mercy and will ensure that the Light creates a new understanding in the souls of believers.

This Holy Spirit will descend upon the whole world this Sunday the 6th of May, 2012.

Many will feel peace and love. I urge all to pray for this Gift to drench their souls, so that they will feel God’s Love and respond to His call.

Prayer (51) For the Gift of the Holy Spirit

“O come Holy Spirit. Pour Your Gift of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge over my humble soul. Fill me with the Light of Truth, so that I can discern the Truth of God, from the lies spread by Satan and his angels. Help me to grasp the Torch and spread the Flame of understanding to all those I meet, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.”

Go in love, light and peace.

Rest and allow My Holy Spirit to descend upon you.

I love you,

Your Precious Jesus
Jul 26, 2017
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