The Prophecies Given To John, And Not Revealed…

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 @ 17:39


Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 @ 17:39

My dearly beloved daughter the time is close for the final mysteries of God the Most High to be revealed to the whole world.

Your voice, My daughter, will finally complete God’s plan on earth to reveal the Truth of My Second Coming.

You, My daughter are the 7th Angel sent to prepare God’s children to renew their faith so that they can be saved.

As you reveal the secrets within the seven seals which I, Jesus the Lamb of God now open, you will infuriate many.

The wicked lies perpetrated by those who pretend to be servants of My Church will be exposed by the sound of your voice.

Every vile act committed by Satan’s followers who dare to declare themselves followers of Mine will be exposed. Every lie, laid bare, for all to see.

The new false Church, created by the antichrist, will be shown for what it is.

Every attempt made to deceive God’s children will be turned upside down as the battle to save humanity intensifies.

The blasphemies uttered by those who do not speak in My Holy Name will be witnessed by all, although many will not accept the Truth of God as it is being given to the world now.

The words, hidden for so long, and shut up until the end are now pouring from My lips.

No man will be excluded from the Truth. All will be shown the True Word as I prepare, once again, to save mankind from eternal damnation.

The prophecies given to John, and not revealed up to now, are being presented at this time to wake up the world.

The Gospels will once again, after so long, be spread throughout the world.

The blind will see again.

The dumb will speak with the truth, like honey, pouring from their lips.

The deaf will listen and the Truth will bring them the comfort missing for so long from their lives.

The apostasy will crack open and raw souls, starving for the Truth, will finally accept it with open arms.

The power of God will now manifest in every corner.

Be assured that the spawn of Satan and his followers will do everything they can to block the Book of Truth from being given to the world through the love of God.

They will be powerless against it, although it will not seem like that.

The Heavens await now for the time to bring together the whole of humanity for My Glorious Return.

Never forsake Me. Welcome Me as I prepare you for My Glorious Second Coming.

Bring your family with you and come into My arms as I prepare to wrap you into the protection of My special graces from Heaven.

I call out to all of you to recognise the last calling, through My 7th Messenger, given the authority to reveal the seven trumpets, the contents of the seventh seal, as the choir of angels prepare for the prophecies to unfold.

Your Jesus
Jul 7, 2017
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