God The Father: Only When I Am Satisfied Will I…

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 @ 18:00


Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 @ 18:00

My dearest daughter let no man underestimate the Force of My Anger as humanity succumbs further into the depths of sin.

I have sent you the prophets. Then I sent My Beloved Son, whom I sacrificed to save you and then I sent more messengers, all to little avail.

Few souls even looked at such messages from the prophets or accepted the signs given to the world by the Blessed Mother of My Beloved Son.

Because of My great love for you, as a Father, I am giving all of My children the Gift of Salvation yet again. You must not ignore My prophets for this could lose you your place in the inheritance, which I have planned for you.

Children many of you who believe in Me, your Eternal Father, fail to understand the secret of salvation.

This pathway to spiritual perfection lies in your ability to accept the purification needed to ensure that you are fit to stand before Me.

Many souls must be stripped bare of all worldly attractions, distractions and corruption of soul.

For those of you fortunate enough to have endured such a purification you will know that until you become, as a baby, little in My Eyes, you will be unable to surrender to My Holy Will.

Struggle against such purification and you will find it difficult to redeem yourself in My Eyes.

When you are free of all the world has to offer and focus on My Son, you will realise that the only real love and joy that exists comes from God. Nothing else, once you experience this, can satisfy you again.

You may slip from time to time but this is to be expected. For you cannot be freed from sin until the New World begins and you align your will to Mine.

My Plan of Salvation, which can only be achieved on earth by your allegiance to My Precious Son, has already commenced. It will not take long for the global conversion. This will be achieved through My end time prophet and as a result of The Great Warning.

Feel My Holy Spirit, children, invade your soul as it spreads very quickly across the earth.

I pluck My children from their spiritual darkness in every part of the world.

I need your sacrifice and prayers to help in the salvation of souls.

Only when I am satisfied will I bequeath the most spectacular Miracles for the world to witness.

When these Miracles are presented they will multiply the conversion I need to take My children to safety and into the New Paradise.

Only then can we become a real family again.

I love you children.

I am pleased with those of you, generous of heart and pure of soul who recognise this Divine Call from Heaven.

I bless you all.

God the Most High
Jul 7, 2017
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