My Beloved Priests And Sacred Servants, Fear…

Friday, November 23rd, 2012 @ 21:45


Friday, November 23rd, 2012 @ 21:45

My dearly beloved daughter the persecution against My prophets and visionaries intensifies now as opposition to the messages increases.

I say to those of you, especially My beloved priests and sacred servants, fear not My Word. The fear and uncertainty you are experiencing does not come from Me. If it does not come from Me then you must ask yourselves, where does it come from?

My Holy Word is always resisted.

During My time on earth, the priests of the day, the Pharisees, did all they could to argue with Me. They tried, at every opportunity, to trip Me up, ask Me questions, designed to make Me contradict the Word of God, but they failed.

I remained silent when they tried to get Me to answer questions which they knew I was not prepared to respond to.

You see, although they practised their religion; held many elaborate ceremonies, decked in expensive robes, they lacked one thing. They did not possess one ounce of humility for they, mistakenly believed that, because of their role as sacred servants that they were above their brethren.

They talked, preached and presented in open places, as prophets, the Holy Word of My Father. Yet, they did not really understand the promise made by My Father, nor the lessons He gave to them through the prophets. They failed to accept that the time for the coming of promised Messiah was taking place within their own time.

They believed that this event would take place in the future.

They felt confused by My answers, My teachings and the simple life which I led. Yet, they felt drawn to me and kept coming back, again and again, to challenge Me.

Then they felt threatened because of My knowledge of spiritual matters, a fact they could not deny.

They tormented Me. I answered their questions, according to the Holy Will of My Father. Then I remained silent when they pointed their fingers against Me in a state of rage.

For all their proclaimed knowledge of the Word of God, they fell into the trap laid down by the deceiver. They believed that their knowledge was superior to Mine.

The tiered hierarchy of the church they created was like a royal monarchy. The king they honoured was not God but their own kings, appointed by them. The upper tier had little communication with the lowly servants who managed their tribes. As for the poor humble man, they had little time for him.

How they offended My Father. How they tortured Me. They had the blood of many on their hands, yet they managed, in the public eye, to keep them clean.

Their education meant that they believed that only they could interpret Holy Scripture correctly. My Word was treated as Heresy.

The same is true of today. So few of My sacred servants are prepared for My Second Coming. Their certification as Holy Ministers in My Church can create division, which I have not authorised.

These learned men of theology with many years of training fail to understand My Teachings; the prophecies or the way in which I speak.

To those of you who question My Word or try to create disparity, by comparing it to your own flawed knowledge of Holy Scripture, you must stop now.

Have you learned nothing Do you not accept that the time is close and that I am preparing you?

The enemies of this, My Holy Mission to prepare you for My Second Coming, are many.

The attacks are vicious. Every turn, every corner and every step I take, through these messages, face obstacles.

If you do not accept My Promise to come again then you must ask yourselves the question. What is my role in the Name of God? Is it to simply administer the Holy Sacraments. No this is not just the role for which you were called.

When you attack My Messages in the way that you do you make Me weep with sadness and frustration.

Haven’t you been warned to stay alert, for you do not know the day or the hour for when I will return. It is time for you to awaken your spirit, read the Words contained in My Father’s Book and then pray that I will bless you with the gift of discernment.

Those of you who reject Me, because you are cautious and worried that it is not I, your Jesus, who speaks then I forgive you. I understand how difficult it is but, in time, you will feel My Love envelop you.

For those of you who refuse to listen to Me, then you are guilty of the sin of pride.

To those of you who publicly denounce My Word, pull it apart and claim that My Messages come from the evil one, then you are lost to Me. So far removed are you, despite your arrogant belief that your knowledge of spiritual matters from books, makes you more worthy to speak in My Name, that you must know this.

Bring me a simple soul, with a purity of heart, who loves Me because of who I Am and they will join Me in Paradise. Bring to Me a soul, full of pride who shouts at the top of his voice the Word of God, and I will cast him aside. Trust in Me with a humble heart and I will pour My Graces over you.

Love Me without condition and you will recognise My Voice at this time. You are the fortunate souls. Yet, it is the souls who have removed themselves from Me who I crave and long for the most.

O Come to Me, My sacred servants. I give you the Truth because I want you to renew your allegiance to Me. Disobedience to My Teachings and failure to acknowledge your weakness drives a wedge between us.

To those sacred servants who have committed grave sins of the flesh you must come to Me so that I can hold you. Acknowledge your sins and I will renew your souls so that you are fit to help salvage other souls before I come again.

You must listen. If you do have doubts then I accept this. If you, however, try to harm My prophets you will suffer for this. Far better for you to remain silent. You must be willing to listen and humble yourselves before My Eyes. Only then will you be fit to represent My Body on earth.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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