I Solemnly Promise You That The Transition Will…

Sunday, November 11th, 2012 @ 18:00


Sunday, November 11th, 2012 @ 18:00

My dearly beloved daughter, it is always important to remember that when you suffer it is not your pain only, which you feel. It is My pain you endure. The pain I speak of, is not that which I endured during My Crucifixion, but that which I face today as I watch and feel the pain of humanity.

People are suffering in the world because of their darkness of soul. Even those who live simple lives and who try to follow My Teachings are suffering. They can feel wretched as they struggle to love each other. They also suffer because of the doubts, which they experience in their faith.

So many do not understand the meaning of eternal life or the fact that life does not end when a person dies on this earth. This is why so many do not prepare themselves for the next life.

Many people in the past did not prepare adequately and are either in Hell or Purgatory.

This generation is being given a Gift, which no other generation has benefited from. Many will simply make the transition from this life instantly without having to experience death, as you know it.

My Second Coming will bring with it this extraordinary Gift. So do not fear. Rejoice, for I come to you to bring you a prosperous future.

Think of it like this. While you will endure some difficulties, and you will have to witness the way in which My Existence will be denounced, it will not last long.

I realise many of you worry but I solemnly promise you that the transition will be swift. Then, when you witness the New Jerusalem as it descends upon the New Earth, the New Paradise, you will be filled with ecstasy.

No words can describe this beautiful Creation. My Heart bursts with Love when I think of how you and your loved ones will react with wonder. That will be when the mystery of the final covenant will become clear to you.

The clarity of My Promise to come again will be truly understood at last.

The world will become one holy family and will live an existence in accordance with, and in union with, the Divine Will of My Father.

This is going to be a time of re-union, as the first resurrection for the dead will take place. Those who have been cleansed on this earth, through the purification, will join those who have also been purified in Purgatory to live in the New Paradise.

Much will change but all those who follow Me and join Me in My New Era of Peace, over which I will reign through My spiritual direction, will find peace of soul.

At last the suffering experienced, under the reign of Satan on this earth, will be no more.

Every pain, every suffering, every prayer, every effort endured by you to gather the souls who languish behind and who kick and struggle all the way, will be worth it.

The New Paradise is ready. All you need to do is to prepare your souls and walk towards the gates. Those of you, who redeem yourselves, in My Eyes, will be given the keys to open the gates.

Persevere during this coming tribulation for it is something, which must happen as it has been foretold in My Father’s Book.

Your prayers will mitigate much of it and My Father will intervene at every possible stage to prevent evil deeds from being inflicted on His precious children.

Your Jesus
Jul 9, 2017
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