Mother Of Salvation: Wicked Plan, Within The…

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 @ 09:50


Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 @ 09:50

My child, perseverance is needed by all God’s children, during this time of apostasy in the world.

So few believe in their Divine Creator, my Father, God the Most High.

They will see the Truth shortly, but many will still argue that there is no God. Much prayer is needed now, children.

Pope Benedict XVI is being plotted against, within his own corridors, by an evil sect.

This sect is known to exist among those sacred servants within the Vatican, yet they are powerless against this evil group, which has infiltrated the Catholic Church for centuries.

They are responsible for twisting the Truth of my Son’s Teachings. So little is known about them or their vile works.

They have driven the True Doctrine from the Catholic Church and, in its place a lukewarm, watered down version has been force-fed to Catholics over the last forty years.

So much confusion has been spread by this wicked, but, hidden sect, that my children have wandered away from the TrueChurch.

Pray that they do not drive the pope away.

Pray that the false prophet will not take the Seat of the Holy Father so that he can spread lies.

Pray that those sacred servants in the Vatican are strong enough to withstand this evil plot, designed to destroy the Catholic Church.

They plan to replace the Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI,with a dictator of lies. He will create a new church in league with the antichrist and his group, in order to deceive the world.

Sadly, many of my children will, in their allegiance to the Catholic faith, follow blindly this new false doctrine, like lambs to the slaughter.

Wake up, children, to the Truth. This wicked plan has changed the fundamental authenticity of the Catholic Doctrine over the years.

You insult my Son when you receive the Holy Eucharist in the hand.

This was their doing.

You insult my Son when you do not seek the regular Sacraments. Yet, those whom you rely on for these do not ensure your spiritual well-being, because they do not make the Sacraments available to all.

My child, a great evil, hidden for centuries in the corridors of the Holy See, will shortly emerge for the world to see. Those of my children, who are covered with the Holy Spirit, will see the Truth, when the wicked lie is presented to the world.

Others will follow blindly down a dark alley. Great division will emerge within the ranks of priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals, one side against the other.

Those true disciples will have to hide and preach privately or else be killed. So hidden will the TrueChurch be, that the true faithful will have to bind together, in order to practice their allegiance to my Eternal Father.

The Earth will shake in every corner, caused by the Wrath of my heavenly Father, against this travesty.

My child, they cannot win. It will be by the faith and courage of the remnants of the Christian Faith, that will result in these wicked imposters being destroyed forever.

Await now and prepare for the Catholic Church to announce these changes.

Then you will know the Truth of what I tell you.

Pray, pray, pray for Pope Benedict and his true disciples.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Jul 5, 2017
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