The New Era Will Be Heralded By My Second…

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 @ 19:30


Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 @ 19:30

My dearly beloved daughter you have, at last, understood the joy of suffering when it is offered with courage and free will.

The souls saved bring you tears of joy just as they, too, are filled with tears when they are saved from plunging into the fires of Hell.

Know that My Mission is to save all souls.

Never forget that My Father has given humanity the armour it needs to salvage souls with the Grace of Immunity.

Grasp it, for through it all souls can be saved. Just think of the wonderful world, which lies ahead.

No one will mourn any member of their family lost to the fires of Hell.

You, My followers, have the power to close the Gates of Hell through your prayers to save souls.

Let no man dismiss My Words.

Do not discourage people from accepting the Grace of Immunity for I know that some of My sacred servants are trying to do this.

Some are doing this from a misguided sense of duty but they are wrong. This Grace of Immunity is a Gift from God the Father.

You have a duty, My sacred servants, to give it to God’s children in order to help save souls.

There is so much work to be done to spread My Word but without enough time.

Go make it your mission, My disciples, to spread My Litanies, especially the Grace of Immunity prayer.

Go, also, and tell people about the Seal of the Living God and the Plenary Indulgence for the forgiveness of sin.

You have been prepared now take up your arms in the Name of God and help Me, your Jesus, to save humanity.

The New Era will be heralded by My Second Coming. The time is short.

Remember, trust in Me completely and I will set you free from worry and fear.

All you must do is to surrender in prayer.

Offer your prayers for souls and all will be well.

Your Jesus
Jul 8, 2017
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