Help Me Save All Young People – The Most…

Monday, August 15th, 2011 @ 00:05


Monday, August 15th, 2011 @ 00:05

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Eternal Father, God the Most High, prepares the world for the changes ahead, He is laden with sorrow for the man who is still blind to the Truth of His Existence.

When My Father sets about now to ring in the changes to prepare for My return to Earth, He sees so much sin in the world that He weeps with sorrow for the inevitability of souls who will become lost to Him eventually. Prayer to save those still alive in the world today, who willingly turn away from Him in pure defiance, although they know and accept His Existence, can help save their souls. Continue to pray and make personal sacrifices for those souls, My daughter, for without prayer you must fear for their future.

I Am relying on My followers to pray for the lost souls. The time left to convince the blind of faith to open their eyes to the Truth of the Existence of God the Father is short now.

Link hands, My Children of the Light, so that your circle of love and devotion to Me is strong enough to draw those souls who do not believe or accept the Existence of Me or My beloved Father. Do not break this chain of faith when you can reach out to save your brothers and sisters who no longer follow the path to the Truth of eternal life. Instead, because they are weakened by the seduction of worldly pursuits, they will need firm guidance to help them.

Do not bully those who don’t believe in God. Coax them gently, tell them about My Crucifixion and how My Eternal Father made the ultimate Sacrifice to save His children, by giving them the Gift of the Grace of Salvation through the forgiveness of sin.

My Father calls now on all those reading these Messages for the first time. You must read each Message carefully. Then pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to be able to see that these Messages are of Divine Origin. Open your heart to receive My Word. Feel Me in your soul by asking of Me the following:

“Jesus, if this is really You, please flood my soul with the Sign of Your Love, so that I can recognise You for Who You are. Do not let me be deceived by lies. Show me instead Your Mercy by opening my eyes to the Truth and the path to Your New Paradise on Earth.”

Remember, children, it is only because of My deep, tender Love that I come to the world by communicating with you in this way. It is not to shock you. Impress. Create controversy or debate. It is to help save all souls, especially a young generation who have no interest in religion, so busy are they with their lives where God holds little place. It is by talking to them in a language they understand that I hope to alert them to events about to unfold. They are one of the most vulnerable in your society, children. It is vital that I reach out to them as quickly as I can.

Gather now, My children, with Me to save all young people in the world today. Help Me to embrace them into My Kingdom so not one single, precious soul is lost to Me.

Your beloved Saviour of all Mankind
Jesus Christ
Jul 5, 2017
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