Enjoy The Glorious Life That Awaits You For…

Sunday, August 14th, 2011 @ 14:25


Sunday, August 14th, 2011 @ 14:25

My dearly beloved daughter, you continue to defend My Word, when in fact, there is no need.

My Word will pierce the hearts of believers like a sword when they contemplate on My Messages given to you for the world. They will know the Truth when they read My Word, for My Divine Light will impact on them in a way they will find difficult to ignore. Many question and continue to question just as they did during the time of Noah. They were warned, but would not listen. They blocked out the Voice of My Father when He sent Messages through Noah and the other prophets. Only those who listened and obeyed were saved.

Hear My Messages now. Open your hearts and allow My Word to speak to your souls, children. Ignore worldly distractions. Just focus on My Voice. By doing so, you will save your souls.

Those who won’t listen because they turn their backs will, in time, come with hungry mouths to devour My Most Holy Word, after The Warning takes place. For then, you will be ready to follow My guidance, so that I can steer you properly towards the New Paradise on Earth where you, your family and your loved ones will enjoy the Glorious Life that awaits you for 1,000 years. No disease. No shortage of food. No worries. Just love in its most pure form, a glorious entity that is your rightful inheritance.

Please pray hard now for the discernment to accept My Holy Word when it is presented to you, children. Consider it one of the greatest gifts in your lifetime. Embrace it body, mind and soul. For only then will you find true peace.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jul 5, 2017
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