Transition Into New Paradise Will Be Swift And…

Sunday, December 11th, 2011 @ 12:45


Sunday, December 11th, 2011 @ 12:45

I come to you today with great joy in My Sacred Heart as your Spouse. You, My daughter, have accepted this most sacred request to join Me to save souls.

It will be through your humble obedience that much will be expected of you now. Fear will be obliterated as you move forward, as a result of My special bequest, to devote your life to My ardent wish to save humanity from the depths of Hell.

Your Work, guided by My Divine Hand, is now completely sacred and free from any kind of interference by the evil one.

No more doubts will assail you but know this. My Word to you will be violated and torn asunder. Every attempt will now be made to sully these Holy Messages even from those who profess to know Me.

Your suffering will be accepted by you, from now on, with complete surrender and joy in your soul. My strength, given to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will startle you. You will rise with complete conviction of heart and with a quiet, but determined confidence to deliver My Word throughout the whole world.

No man will or can stop you in this Work. No man can prevent you from this most sacred pure calling from the Heavens.

You, My daughter, are ready to become a lifeline for those souls drifting in the wilderness. They will respond to the call of these Messages no matter how hardened their hearts are. Many will not know why this is happening to them. It will be by the Power of the Holy Spirit, which will ignite a flame of love and joy in their souls, that will draw them to Me through these, My urgent pleas, to bring My children back into My Sacred Arms.

Thank you for responding to this special request to become My spouse in final union with Me. This contract, when you hand Me over your soul completely, will allow Me the freedom I need to conclude this Mission successfully for which you have been chosen.

Go now, My precious daughter, and help Me to fulfil My promise to mankind. My return will be to reclaim My precious children and take them into the New Era of Peace. This transition into the New Paradise will be swift and without suffering because of your gift to Me.

Tell My children, My Heart is swollen with joy at this time as the time to celebrate My birth draws close.

I love you.

Your beloved Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ
Jul 5, 2017
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