These People Will Destroy My Churches And Few…
Sunday, January 20th, 2013 @ 17:50
Sunday, January 20th, 2013 @ 17:50
My dearly beloved daughter, I wish that My disciples will embrace the changes, which will lie ahead, without fear. It is because of these changes that man can be purified.
The evil acts of war and the abolition of your rights, brought about to control the way in which your countries are run, will soon come about. If this final battle between My Father’s Kingdom and the devil and his evil spirits were not to take place, then evil could not be destroyed.
There will be attempts made, constantly, to take over your currencies and your personal access to money. But your prayers can stop these wicked leaders from inflicting this attempt at slavery. These people will destroy My Churches and few will be allowed to offer the daily Sacrifices. Yet, there will be those among them, which will remain standing because of the Grace of God.
They will persecute the Church and cause a big division amongst leaders in the Christian Churches and, yet, there will be priests and clergy still left standing because they will refuse to submit to this pressure.
They will try to stop the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confession and, yet, these faithful and brave sacred servants will continue to serve Me.
Remember your prayers will dilute the impact and severity of these trials. When My chosen souls pray for these acts of Mercy, especially, I will respond to their calls.
Your Jesus
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