Mother Of Salvation: Think Of Life As A Stage…

Friday, August 29th, 2014 @ 14:25


Friday, August 29th, 2014 @ 14:25

My dear children, let not one of you ever be fearful of this Heavenly Intervention in this Mission of Salvation. Instead, be thankful for God’s Great Mercy and His unfathomable Love for the human race. You must give Glory to God, in the knowledge that all begins and ends with Him. There is no in-between. Think of life as a stage between birth and the New Glorious Kingdom, which awaits all of you, should you accept God’s Promise that His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will return to reclaim His Kingdom.

So many do not believe in He Who created them. They may witness His Love and, yet, still do not believe that Love comes from God or that God is Love. Those who accept the existence of evil do not believe in God’s Love nor do they accept the existence of the evil one. Only those who manage to overcome evil in all its forms truly understand the power which evil has over people’s words, deeds and actions. It is only when a soul is disentangled from the influence of evil that he can be set free. True freedom can only be achieved when you accept the Truth. If you do not accept the Word made Flesh, that is my Son, Jesus Christ, then you will never be free.

Children you must fight evil in all its deceitful forms but it is not easy to identify it clearly. Satan is the king of lies. He is the deceiver who manages to convince the world that he does not exist. He always presents the Truth as being an evil thing and he will convince the weak amongst you that evil can be justified always. You must never allow yourselves to be deceived, for the Truth was given to the world and is contained in my Father’s Book. Anything, which deviates from the True Word of God, must be avoided. Do not listen to those who tell you that an evil act is a good thing, or that it must be accepted because of the times you are living in.

The human race has not changed. Sin has not changed. All that has changed is man’s reluctance to accept God as his Creator.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation
Jul 15, 2017
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