Mother Of Salvation: The Book Of Truth Is…

Saturday, November 8th, 2014 @ 17:05


Saturday, November 8th, 2014 @ 17:05

My dear child, today is a special day, as Heaven celebrates the anniversary of my first message given to you as a messenger of God. I come today to bring you the news that many millions of people will convert because of this mission.

I gave the world the Messiah, as a chosen humble servant of the Lord. I was given a very special role in His Plan to save all of His children and today, in my role as the Mother of Salvation, I call out to all of His children.

You must never reject God’s attempts to bring you the Truth. He, My Eternal Father, loves everyone and this mission was foretold. He brings the world the secrets contained in the prophecies given to Daniel and then to His chosen disciple John the Evangelist. The Book of Truth is contained in Public Revelation and it is important that you do not reject this Holy Book.

Many people have, through these messages, already converted and it is because of this mission that much of mankind will be shown God’s Mercy. Do not reject His Generosity for it is His greatest desire to bring together the human race into the new world to come.

When my Son was resurrected from the dead this was a message for the world. Like my Son, those who remain true to Him will be resurrected in body as well as in soul on the last day. No one, who asks for His Mercy, will be left behind. Sadly, those who fight God, because of their stubbornness and hatred can interfere with His Quest to unite all of His children.

Be thankful for God’s Mercy. Be thankful for the Crusade Prayers, for they bring with them great Blessings. I ask that you allow me, your beloved Mother, to fill your hearts with joy. You must allow the happiness, which can only come as a Gift from God, to flood your souls in the knowledge of what is to come. My Son will come soon to reclaim the Kingdom, which belongs to Him. The New Kingdom, when it emerges from the smouldering ashes, will bring each and every one of you great joy and happiness. For then you will have arrived home into the Welcoming Arms of the King, the Messiah, who made a great sacrifice for your salvation.

Please accept this great Gift. Do not allow those souls, whose hearts are festered with hatred, to pull you away from the Truth. Without the Truth there can be no life.

Go, my dear children, and ask Me to protect you always for it is my mission to draw you along the difficult path to the Throne of my precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation
Jul 16, 2017
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