Book of Truth: Introduction

   The Book of Truth is mentioned in Daniel 10:21. This is where a mysterious Book of Truth is referred to. Gabriel explains to Daniel that everything that has been revealed to him about the future and the end times is to be found in the Book of Truth. Daniel is told to seal it up as it is to be left to another time called 'The Time Of The End'.

   The Book of Truth, in 5 Volumes so far, is about the Mission of Salvation for all souls in preparation for what is known as The Warning/The Illumination of Conscience/The Great Mercy/The Great Confession and then followed by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

   The Book of Truth is meant for this present generation.

From 1 First Message From The Virgin Mary

Received Monday 8th November 2010 3.30pm after saying the Rosary at Home (Announcing the future prophecies still to be received by private visionary, who had no idea as to what she was being asked to do at this point.)

   "My child, you have a responsible job to do and you must not let anyone stop you. The Truth has to get out. You have been chosen to do this Work. My child, stay strong. Look to God above for guidance to do my Work.

   You have all the saints working with you. The figures* (see end of Message) you saw are all there to help you spread my infinite Messages, for all the world to hear. You are being guided. You won’t find it easy, but you love to persevere. What is happening has all been foretold. You are an instrument in communicating the Word of God to all of His children.

   Never forget, God loves all His children, including those sinners who have offended Him. Beg for Mercy for each and every one of you. The Holy Family will reunite. (Pause…. at that point I was surprised, so I asked Our Lady, “Have I got this part right?” She smiled gently and continued…)

   Pick up your pen, that’s right, and spread the Truth, before it is too late.

   These Messages are of Divine Origin"

Feb 7, 2018
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