I Must Intervene To Save Humanity From…

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 @ 15:00


Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 @ 15:00

My dearly beloved daughter, cry not for yourselves, but for Me, your Jesus, Who weeps and suffers because of the speed at which the human race falls into depraved and sinful lives.

Because My Word has been rejected by so many, for so long, many people have no direction or know-how when it comes to the choices they make in their lives. Souls, who have drifted far away from the Truth, have only their own desires and self-regard to lead them. Self-obsession, sexual immorality, self-gratification and the seeking out of material goods, play havoc with their souls. Nothing will, nor can, satisfy them. When they have reached the depths of sin, they then seek out, actively, the souls of others to ensnare. This is because Satan has devoured their souls to such an extent that he uses them to draw other souls into his vile trap.

The morality of humanity has sunk to such depths that this spirit of evil is engulfing millions of souls daily. Oh how My Pain is increased and how much work is needed to weed out this infestation. There will come a time when only one third of the human race will be given the Grace to decipher the difference between good and evil.

Those who welcome evil, in any form, will present it as being a good thing. Soon, it will take a very courageous man to speak up and declare that: “This is wrong.” without being demonised and scorned, for what will be viewed as an irrational outburst.

Oh how God’s children will sink. Souls with hardened hearts, with a hatred for others, a lack of compassion, greed and lust for violence, will increase in numbers. They will be admired in the world, when decades ago they would have been feared. This is why I must intervene to save humanity from destroying itself, before the Great Day of the Lord.

Satan’s plan is to destroy as many souls as possible. My Plan is to stop this infestation and I will not hesitate to provide the signs, which are needed to wake you up to the Love of God and for the need to prepare adequately for the world to come.

Never reject the Hand of God. Never ignore the Word of God, for without these things you are nothing.

Your Jesus
Jul 12, 2017
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