The Earth, Infested By Their Evil Ways, Will…

Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 15:30


Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, how much comfort I need at this time as so many have fallen away from Me. My Tears flow in great torrents as Satan’s army, infested with one of the most vile of his demons, Jezebel, has tempted many of those who profess to represent Me. How much they have forgotten and how little they remember My Promise to come again.

The time of My Second Coming is drawing very close and Satan’s army has gathered in huge numbers, ready to do battle with those I call My Own. This wicked army will be led by My enemies and there is nothing they will not do to try to fool the world into believing their falsities. Speaking in My Name, they will take with them holy men and women and they will become a force to be reckoned with. Embraced with great gusto by a secular world, they will change the face of the earth and in their wake will cause havoc.

The earth, infested by their evil ways, will groan in pain and with this will be witnessed by a great upheaval. Every wicked act of desecration, which they will inflict upon My Body, will be manifested through changes in the climate, failure of crops, changes in the atmosphere and a deluge of such magnitude, there will be few nations on earth that will not be touched by their actions. My Father will inflict great suffering upon them.

For everyone they condemn in My Name they, too, will be condemned. For every act of pain they inflict on God’s children they, too, will suffer the same pain. The hell they will bring to millions will result in a punishment, which will be akin to the fires that burn daily in the eternal abyss.

The Gates of Heaven will be slammed in their faces and they will scream in agony when, on the Last Day, they will be blinded by My Light. They will run, like the cowards that they are, and try to find shelter from My Justice but they will find no place of solace. Blinded, they will run, fall and there will be nowhere for them to go. Left behind, because not one of them will have the strength or the willpower to ask for My Help, for they will have cut off all the Life they could have had, but which they can no longer avail of.

Hear Me now, as I solemnly declare, the man who lives by My Word, and who remains loyal to Me, has nothing to fear. The man who curses Me and who shuts the door to My Kingdom firmly behind him will be cast away.

Your Jesus
Jul 16, 2017
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