Satan Is Powerless Against My Devoted Followers
Monday, July 25th, 2011 @ 09:00
Monday, July 25th, 2011 @ 09:00
My beloved daughter, it is with great joy that I once again tell you of the conversion now taking place in the world, as more atrocities are being committed by man, through the influence of Satan, more of My children are beginning to question the levels of murderous intent now prevalent in your world. As more evil is presented to you, so too will the realization that Satan ,does in fact, exist. For those who do not believe he exists then let Me explain how you can spot his evil works.
Every time My children witness murder, suicide, war, corruption of governments and those in power, greed, arrogance and injustices, know that these deeds are the manifestation of Satan. The evil one has become desperate now, to poison My children’s minds. He will do everything he can at this time in history so intense is his rage. You, My children, are his targets. While he finds it easy to infect souls, who leave themselves wide open to his influence – those who continually seek self-glory on Earth – he is finding it increasingly difficult to dampen the spirit of My devoted followers. So blessed are they, through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, that he, Satan, is powerless against them.
For all those who obey My instruction of prayer they will become stronger in mind and spirit. Then they will not care whether Satan lashes out at them in fury, for their shield of armour is so strong. This does not mean he will not use every method to seduce you through the desires of the flesh. This does not mean he will not hurt you by whispering into the ears of those close to you and those whom you love. Stand firm, My followers, for it will be through your strength that he will be crushed forever. He, My children, will become powerless as conversion spreads. For how can he get you to drink from his evil cup of hatred for mankind, when you do not thirst for all his empty promises? The stronger you are the less he will bother you.
Know now that when you witness global unrest, it is the deceiver at work. My followers now know instantly the wickedness of Satan when his works are so glaringly obvious. Pray that your brothers and sisters will also bear witness to his evil works and recognize them for what they are. It is only when non-believers finally accept that Satan exists that they will turn to Me for refuge.
Pray now for global conversion, the conversion that will come about, not just because of The Warning, but because of the Truth.
Your beloved Teacher and Saviour
Jesus Christ
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