My Divine Mercy Is To Be Realised As Revealed To…

Sunday, January 29th, 2012 @ 21:18


Sunday, January 29th, 2012 @ 21:18

I, your Jesus, wish to inform the world that My Divine Mercy is to be realised, as revealed to My daughter, Helena, Saint Faustina.

This mystery will be revealed, as all will witness the final manifestation of My Rays of Mercy, for the salvation of mankind.

For those who mock you, My daughter, and say that this mystery has already been revealed to the world, they must know this.

How many people in the world today know about My Promise of Divine Mercy? Very few, including you, My daughter.

Did My followers not know that I would come back to prepare the world for this Great Event?

I always prepare My children for such events. My Eternal Father sends prophets into the world, with one goal, to give you adequate warning so that souls are not taken unawares. Relish this Gift of prophecy. Don’t reject it.

Never think you know all about My Ways, because while you may love Me, you do not always know Me, or understand My Ways.

For each one of you who mocks My prophets, remember it is not they you mock, but Me. They are simply the instruments.

You, My children, must never assume you really know Me, for if you did you would not deny Me. Yet today, just as My disciples did, when I walked among them, you still deny that it is I who beckons you to Me.

You hold one hand out to Me with your left and you slap Me with your right.

Don’t you hear Me speak to you now? If not, then sit quietly and pray to Me, so I can fill your weary heart, with the Fire of My Holy Spirit.

I love you and if you will allow Me into your heart, without your armour of steel, which blocks Me, I will make you free.

When you open your eyes and see that it is I, your Divine Saviour, speaking with you, then follow Me on the road to the New Paradise, with love and joy in your heart.

Do not allow the evil one to plant doubts in your mind. Pray that you will be strong enough, humble in mind and spirit, to run into My Arms.

Only when you come to Me, as a child, will you truly find peace in your soul. This is the only way to allow Me into your heart.

Your beloved Jesus

Jul 5, 2017
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