This New Temple, They Will Be Told, Is A Church…

Sunday, April 7th, 2013 @ 18:40


Sunday, April 7th, 2013 @ 18:40

My dearly beloved daughter, every single one of God’s churches on earth who honour Me, the Son of Man and those who pay allegiance to My Father, will soon be divided. Many, within each church, will rebel and great divisions will emerge as more misguided, amongst their ranks, will try to introduce laws, which condone sin.

The moral obligations felt by those who love and know God’s Holy Word will be taken to task and they will be accused of being cruel and heartless. Their crime will be to oppose sinful laws, which will come into being as churches disband during the persecution of the antichrist. When they divide and splinter, their foundations will be rocked. They will no longer be able to stand firm in the face of wickedness and injustice. The time will then be ripe for many bewildered souls, who will become very confused, to witness an alternative temple of God.

This new temple, they will be told, is a church, which unites all because God loves all His children. And if God loves all His children, then He would want them to unite as one; that they must embrace each other, whatever their creed, their religion, their skin colour, their race, their laws. All will become united, they will be told, in the Face of God, and they will all be asked to send representatives to the new temple, which will be located in Rome. They will be told that this is the New Jerusalem, prophesised in the Bible and protected by God’s chosen leader – the false prophet.

So many will fall for this great lie, a travesty of the Holy Word of God – which was given to John the Evangelist. Every Word given to this prophet, for the end times, will be taken, adapted and twisted to suit the agenda of the antichrist.

Those who refuse to accept this new, so-called inclusive church, will be deemed to be un-Christian. They will be bullied and made to look like fools. Only for the Holy Spirit, which guides them, they would be sucked into the false and obscene temple, which will disguise the ugly truth, which lies beneath its surface.

The antichrist is about to make his grand entrance onto the world’s stage and it will be he, who will, not only reign over these churches, but who will fool people into believing that he possesses special divine gifts. He will be honoured for his great service to humanitarian causes. He, the antichrist, will receive international awards for his charity work. And then they will say he possesses the charisma associated with holy people. It will not be long afterwards when miracles will be attributed to him, until finally, he will say he is a prophet on a mission from God.

Many will fall for this terrible deceit because he will be supported by the world’s churches and he will be given the seal of approval by the false prophet.

Finally, the world will believe that he is I, Jesus Christ. My Word will fall on deaf ears as his presence devours the whole of humanity whose applause will silence the voices who proclaim the True Word of God. But, because of My great Mercy, I will, with My Father’s Hand, intervene every single step of the way.

My Messages will never stop until the very last day. My Voice will never die. God’s children, who remain true to His Holy Word, will never die.

Your Jesus
Jul 11, 2017
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