Soon, They Will Pass A Law, Which Will Outlaw…

Monday, January 28th, 2013 @ 21:15


Monday, January 28th, 2013 @ 21:15

My dearly beloved daughter, tell My disciples that they must never give up their devotion to My Holy Word.

The growth of atheism means that the mere mention of God, or the laws directed by Him, causes outrage. It has become, as if it were, a blasphemy to mention the role of God in your lives.

Soon, they will pass a law, which will outlaw the meaning of blasphemy, in order to stamp out any public allegiance to God.

You, My poor followers, will find it difficult to raise your voices in My Name. They will insult you and declare terrible things about Me, yet you will be unable to defend Me.

Those Christian countries, whose people honour Me, will not be allowed to declare their Christianity because of the creation of these laws, which will defy My Teachings.

So many do not want to know Me. Those of you who do will be persecuted. By this, I mean that every time you try to pray to Me, your privacy will be interrupted. Every time you try to receive the Sacraments, they will become difficult to access.

Then, when you set up Prayer Groups, you will be told to stop. Each group will find, not only opposition amongst certain quarters, but that imposters will try to infiltrate them in order to spoil the fruits, which will be generated as a result. Never before will you witness such opposition in your devotion to Me, to My Crusade Prayer Groups, or to My Messages.

Many priests and clergy are responding, quickly, to My Call, because they know Me and recognise My Voice. So, many will continue to be called, as My request to prepare the souls, to whom they have been entrusted, will be responded to.

But, as their numbers increase, others amongst their fold, will rise in outrage and condemnation. They will suffer because of their love for Me. Their enemies will consist of those who do love Me, but who are being misguided by others, to whom they pledge allegiance. Others will be tempted by the spirit of evil to denounce Me. They will do this to prevent My plan, to fulfil My Father’s Will to salvage souls and to embrace all of God’s children in His New Paradise.

You must resist such efforts, but remain dignified, at all times. Keep praying for those sacred servants of Mine who will, like Judas before them, kiss Me on one cheek, while betraying Me with the other.

I will stay with you during this torment, for even you will be shocked by the venom, which will pour from the mouths of those who claim to be My disciples.

Your Jesus
Jul 10, 2017
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