On That Day, I Will Gather The Living

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 @ 20:00


Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 @ 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter, in many Christian lives, I have become like an embarrassing relative Who must be catered to, from time to time, but kept out of sight, at all times. This is how many of those who were born Christians, and who have fallen away from Me, view Me now. I Am of little consequence, and yet when they are in trouble, they will call out to Me, involuntarily, because it is second-nature to them.

Why, oh why, can they not accept Me? What has separated man from Me? Why have My sacred servants failed to bring them to Me? My suffering is the same today as it was during My Passion and now those who have remained true to Me will shortly desert Me. They will do this because they will begin to re-evaluate their understanding of Who, exactly, I Am and what My Covenant truly means – all because of the heresies to come.

All homage to Me, in My Churches, will soon be reduced to a mere nod in My direction. They will no longer genuflect before My Tabernacles. They will not bow before Me or kneel, nor will they pray before My Corpus on the Cross, for it will not be My Image they will be asked to venerate. I will be scourged and made to look ridiculous. My Words will be turned into the most peculiar verbiage and the Truth of My death on the Cross will be thrown out.

My Presence is still on Earth at this time. You must not desert Me, for when you do, My Light will be extinguished and then you will become engulfed with darkness. Only those who remain loyal to Me can retain My Flame and when the Light of My Church on Earth is reduced to but just a faint glimmer – then the final call will be heard from Heaven. On that day I will gather the Living. The remainder will be left with the enemies of God to whom they gave their allegiance. No joy will they experience after that.

Your Jesus
Jul 12, 2017
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