Crusade Prayer 45

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 @ 18:30


Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 @ 18:30

My dearest beloved daughter, know that My Messages given to you, are for the whole world.

They are being given to all religions and creeds, including those who do not believe in the Existence of God, the Eternal Father, Creator of the whole world.

Children, you must know that because you have been given the Truth of the Triune God, the Holy Trinity that is made of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that you have a responsibility to proclaim My Holy Word to the whole world.

Whether you believe that I speak to you through these Messages or not, you must help those poor souls who need My protection, so that they can be saved.

Many question why these Messages refer to Satanso many times. My answer is this.

Satan and his fallen angels roam the Earth looking to infest human beings.

They attack them through the senses, mainly to encourage them to commit sins of the flesh.

They put thoughts into their minds so that they commit atrocities, which offend My Father.

In the case of souls, already in sin, they can possess the body. When this happens these poor, possessed souls create havoc around them.

If they are in positions of power they can inflict terrible injustice among those over whom they rule.

They will introduce laws, which defy the Ten Commandments, laid down by God the Father.

In other cases they will cause great anguish in people’s lives.

Negativity is caused by Satan and his demon angels. This does not come from God.

Only peace and love can come from God.

For all those who want to rid their lives of negative thoughts and feelings, all that is required, is devotion to Me, their beloved, Jesus Christ.

Prayer, simple conversation, is enough. In your own words ask Me to help you.

Said from the heart, I will respond immediately and help you to come closer to My Sacred Heart.

Please, children, let Me hold you close and give you the comfort you crave in a world full of unhappiness, injustice, cruelty and hatred.

I Am your lifeline. Only I can help you. Please call out to Me in this Crusade Prayer (45)

“O Jesus, I know very little about You.

But, please help me to open my heart to allow You to come into my soul, so that You can heal me, comfort me and fill me with Your peace.

Help me to feel joy, conquer all negative thoughts and learn the way to make me understand how to please You, so that I can enter Your New Paradise, where I can live a life of love, joy and wonder with You, forever and ever. Amen.”

I love all of you, dear children, no matter what creed you are, no matter how much you have sinned, caused hurt or harm to others.

Only I can change the way you live.

The only way to free yourself from the difficult life you lead, is to call Me, so I can help you.

Your beloved Jesus
Jul 26, 2017
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